Poplar in the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted everyone. During these unprecedented times, communities have pulled together with kindness, compassion, and resilience.

Below are stories that demonstrate some of the ways that our community has come together to support each other. A huge thank you to our residents, staff and partners for their incredible response to the pandemic.


Poplar in the Pandemic videoTower Hamlets Together video Communities & Neighbourhoods team response


Construction sites

After an initial closure period, our construction sites reopened so we could continue building new homes and places.

New ways of consulting

Adapted the way we communicate with residents. As a result, 91% of eligible Aberfeldy residents gave their time to decide on the future of the estate, with 93% voting yes to regeneration.

Keeping services running

A handful of staff maintained a regular presence at HARCA’s head office to keep essential services running, and a dedicated Covid-19 Recovery Team implemented health & safety plans in keeping with Government guidance.

Keeping buildings safe

Implemented a QR Code system at our offices and community centres to 'track and trace' staff and visitors, ensuring a safe return to HARCA buildings.