Homes & regeneration

Our vision is to discover, develop and implement opportunities to help our community thrive. We're leading a £2.5bn reshaping plan that will enable us to achieve this.

Poplar is a unique and diverse part of east London, and home to the capital’s fastest growing population. Demand for affordable housing significantly outstrips supply and overcrowding is a major issue.

To address these challenges we have:

  • Completed a £345m estate regeneration programme
  • Built over 1,000 new homes
  • Adopted a holistic placemaking approach which puts local people’s happiness, health & wellbeing and economic opportunities at its heart. This includes building new homes, urban regeneration and new infrastructure, such as faith buildings, transport links, education, business and community spaces.

Live Projects

Poplar Riverside

Poplar Riverside, formerly known as the Leven Road Gasworks development, will provide up to 2,800 new homes, commercial space, a…

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Stroudley Walk

A mix of new affordable homes, shops and community spaces to bring new life to Bromley-by-Bow.

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Aberfeldy Village

With EcoWorld London, we’re building more than 1,000 new homes and creating a place that ‘feels like a village’ on…

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Chrisp Street Market

Our vision for regeneration in Chrisp Street is to re-establish this treasured area as the heart of Poplar.

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