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Brilliant new public art project unveiled in Aberfeldy


A spectacular new public art project: ‘Aberfeldy Stories: Colours of Home’, created in partnership with the local community, is now live throughout the streets of Aberfeldy, for residents and visitors to enjoy.

The scheme was designed by local Aberfeldy artist/designer Lola Lely, and is part of a wider community programme, created in partnership with local people to celebrate Aberfeldy’s rich community history and knowledge.

The scheme was brought forward by EcoWorld London and Poplar HARCA, curated by Company, Place and represents the area’s journey to becoming a hub for innovation and social enterprise.

The designer, Lola Lely, is an Aberfeldy resident and owner of Wax Atelier – a local business based at Poplar Works specialising in wax products. She worked in partnership with a range of local collaborators and members of the Aberfeldy community to create 20 textile banners, which now line the streets of Aberfeldy. The designs are inspired by natural and architectural features of the local area.

Key design elements of the banners were produced through a series of free community workshops including foraging for natural dyeing materials – such as local plants and kitchen waste – and tassel making.

The manufacturing process, from screen-printing with natural dyes to the wax treatment of the fabric that adds a level of protection against the elements, were all done onsite within a 10 -minute walk of the installation’s final location. This production process ensures that the project achieves a lasting social impact with a minimal environmental footprint.

‘Aberfeldy Stories: Colours of Home’ will be launched at London Craft Week, taking place between 8-14 May, and will be open to the public to view until July 2023.

Find out more about regeneration in Aberfeldy
"I have worked in the area for almost two years walking past the plants every day on my commute without knowing even why Poplar is named Poplar, I thought it was lovely. Thank you to you all for your dedicated knowledge sharing and openness."

Matta Siregar, local resident and workshop participant.

"It has been a brilliant experience to collaborate with so many local people and businesses to realise this project. The foraging walks with groups of residents to gather dye materials were a particular highlight. I discovered so much more about this fascinating part of London; it’s history, its landscape, and the strong community ties local people have to this area.”

Lola Lely, the artist of Colours of Home