All Vacancies

Communities and Neighbourhood Trustee

The Communities and Neighbourhoods (CaN) team is establishing itself as a new charitable entity, what will be known as the CaN Trust

We’re inviting individuals like you to consider joining as a Trustee.

As a Trustee, your involvement is essential in establishing the CaN Trust as a separate charitable entity, providing a dedicated space for the impactful work of Poplar HARCA’s communities and neighbourhoods.

What we’re looking for

We are looking for people willing to bring energy, enthusiasm and commitment to the role, and who will broaden the diversity of thinking on our Board.

You do not need previous governance experience – we will provide a full induction and training.

Personal skills & qualities

  • Willingness and ability to understand and accept responsibilities and liabilities
    as trustees and to act in the best interests of the organisation
  • Ability to think creatively and strategically, exercise good, independent judgement
    and work effectively as a board member
  • Effective communication skills and willingness to participate actively in discussion
  • A strong personal commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Enthusiasm for our vision and mission
  • Willingness to lead according to our values
  • Commitment to principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.

To apply, please complete the form below with your CV attached detailing your suitability for the role.

For more information, please download the CaN Trustee Recruitment pack.

If you would like to discuss the opportunity please contact:

Mark Sweeny
Assistant Director of Corporate Governance & Company Secretary
07977 675 607


CaN Trustee Recruitment Pack 2023 (JDPS)



Apply to become a CaN Trustee

Preferred method of contact *
Are you a Poplar HARCA tenant?
Are you a Poplar HARCA leaseholder?
Please attach your CV *

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Please attach a supporting statement (if you have one)

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Data Protection *
When you use forms to get in touch with us, we collect personal information for the purposes of dealing with your enquiry. Our website is developed by Tessellate Design Studio Ltd and they are our data processor. Tessellate Design Studio will only process personal information in line with our instructions. Read their full privacy notice. The information submitted to us may also be stored longer on Poplar HARCA databases for the continuation of services to you. We will not share your information with any third party company unless we have sought your consent or to carry out a legal obligation to you, such as fix a repair. Read our full privacy notice.