Delivering value for money

Creating Opportunity. Thinking long-term. Maximising impact.

Our Strategic Plan ‘Creating Opportunities Together 2021-26’ sets out our goals, confirms our vision and explains how we create opportunity.

To achieve value for money while delivering our strategic plan, we focus on:

  • Spending less: minimising cost
  • Spending well: getting the best results
  • Spending wisely: achieving what we said we would.

This is in line with National Audit Office’s guidance on assessing value for money.

Everyone at Poplar HARCA is responsible for delivering value for money:

  • Our Board sets our strategic direction, and monitors achievement
  • Our Committees monitor our strategy and performance:
    – Our Audit and Risk Committee monitors corporate strategy, statutory and regulatory requirements, and best practice.
    – Our Finance Committee monitors our value for money results.
    – Our Services Committee monitors operational performance.
  • Our Joint Estate Panel and Youth Empowerment Board inform and influence the Board’s decisions
  • Our Estate Boards inform and influence local decisions

Evidencing outcomes:

The Regulator for Social Housing assesses our compliance with its Regulatory Standards:

Our residents regularly review and feedback on our performance:

We submit our services for peer-comparison through award submissions.

We publish our Annual Report and Financial Statement:

We publish an annual social value report:

We publish an annual Place regeneration report:

We compare and improve service performance through benchmarking:

Stay in touch with what we’re up to by following us on:

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