How to keep your home safe and warm

Many of us want to lower our household costs. This guide offers practical tips to save on energy while keeping your home safe, healthy, and warm in the winter.

Here you’ll find advice on:

  • saving on electricity bills
  • preventing condensation and mould, including how to report mould in your home
  • heating your home during the winter months
Cost of Living supportWhere to find extra help

Saving on electricity bills

How can I use electricity in a way that keeps the bill down?

To use electricity in your home to keep the bills down you could:

  • run your washing machine at 30 degrees Celsius when washing clothes and try to only wash full loads. Cutting back by one wash a week can also help
  • hang clothes to dry instead of using a tumble dryer to save energy. Keep your home aired out to prevent condensation and mould
  • set your fridge between three and five degrees Celsius
  • defrost your freezer regularly to save energy
  • use LED or other energy-efficient light bulbs to reduce costs. Avoid leaving devices on standby and turn off plug sockets at the wall when not in use

Could a smart home device help save me more money over time?

These small devices can help you to live a healthier life in a more energy efficient home, which can save you money on bills. By monitoring your energy use in real-time, you can track how much you’re using and where you can cut down.

Learn more by clicking about smart home devices here.

What should I do if there’s a power cut?

There are some simple tips to prepare and stay safe:

  • stock up on good quality torches and extra batteries. Avoid using candles because they can cause fires
  • keep your mobile phone charged and consider getting a power bank so you don’t run out of battery

If your power goes out:

  • put a blanket over your fridge and freezer and keep them closed to help them stay cold longer
  • turn off all electrical appliances. They can be dangerous if they come back on when you’re not there
  • look out for your neighbours, especially if they are older or live alone

Heating your home

What can I do to keep my home warm?

Here are some steps you can take to keep your home warmer this winter, for less:

  • check your thermostat. The recommended temperatures for British homes in winter is between 18 to 21 degrees Celsius. The Energy Saving Trust has a guide to help you understand your heating controls so you can keep warm and save on bills
  • fill gaps around windows and doors to stop cold air from coming in. You can use a draught excluder, but make sure there’s still some airflow to prevent mould. More tips are in the section below
  • close your curtains. Before it gets dark or when you’re out, close your curtains to keep warmth in. Consider getting thermal curtains if you can
  • if you have exposed floorboards, use rugs to keep the heat from escaping the room
  • turn on your heating just before you get up, and switch it off after you go to bed
  • if you can, invest in radio thermostats to control which rooms you heat, so you only warm up rooms you’re using

I'm having some issues with my heating, who can help?

Winter is our busiest time for heating repairs. If you have problems with your heating or hot water, please report them as soon as possible  so we can fix them quickly.

For some issues, you might be able to fix it yourself. Check out our repairs guides here.

Are portable heaters dangerous?

Portable gas and electric heaters are a serious fire risk, so we don’t allow them in our homes.* It can be tempting to save on central heating, but safety comes first.

For more information on the risks, visit the London Fire Brigade website.

Your home’s heating is designed to be safe. If you’re struggling to pay to use your central heating, there is help available. Check the section below for local organisations that can assist you. Scroll down to the section below for local organisations that can assist you. It’s safer to seek help rather than using risky alternatives.

*We may provide a portable heater to residents when there is a loss of heating supply. The heater will have been tested beforehand, and should also only be used under supervision (when someone is in the room).

I'm having trouble paying to heat my home, what can I do?

If you’re struggling to keep warm this winter, there is help on hand. Here’s a list of organisations and services that can support you, including safe, warm spaces to spend time when it’s cold.

Preventing condensation and mould

What causes condensation and mould?

In the winter months, the moisture in warmer indoor air hits cold surfaces, like windows, and causes condensation to form. A build-up of condensation can cause mould, which could seriously affect your health. Left untreated, mould can even cause structural issues with your home.

While there are other causes of mould, condensation is the usual suspect – and one of the easiest to prevent.

What can I do to prevent condensation and mould?

Having a well-ventilated home (for example by opening your windows) and keeping the heating on are two of the best ways to prevent issues with mould. Even though many of us try to keep windows closed and use less central heating in the winter, it’s important to find the right balance.

Here are some things you can do to prevent both condensation and mould:

  • keep your home ventilated. By opening a window for a short time each day and keeping window and air vents open
  • turn on the extractor fan in your bathroom to reduce moisture. They use less energy than a lightbulb!
  • keep doors closed and windows open when washing and cooking
  • fill the bath with cold water before adding hot water to reduce steam
  • when cooking, keep lids on pots and pans to trap in moisture
  • wipe off any water droplets on windows when they appear
  • dry clothes outdoors, or in a room with the doors closed, windows open and the extractor fan on. If you’re using a tumble dryer, make sure the ventilation pipe runs to the outside of your home
  • where possible, leave a gap between walls and furniture to allow air flow
  • when using your heating, keep it at a constant temperature
  • use a fungicidal spray on areas already affected by mould

How do I report mould in my home?

Simply fill out our online form and tell us about the mould in your home here or through your MyHARCA account.

Need some extra support? You can call us to report an emergency repair at any time on 0800 035 1991.