
Peter Stredder

Member of the Finance Committee

Peter has had an extensive career in finance and housing policy, and substantial voluntary experience in housing association corporate governance.

Peter was previously a Senior Banker at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in various roles with a focus on financing medium sized companies in emerging markets.

Previously he worked in Corporate Finance for a British investment bank and before that was a Civil Servant for 13 years, spending his last 5 years working in housing policy and finance, first in HM Treasury and then in the Prime Minister’s office.

He served on the Governing Board of L&Q for 17 years in a variety of roles including as Treasurer and then Chair of L&Q Bexley, Chair of Audit and Risk, and Acting Treasurer of L&Q. More recently he served as Chair of Audit and Risk and as a Board Member at Network Homes.

He is a volunteer at Crisis and is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of International Bankers where he sits on the Company’s Charities and Education Committee.