What can you do to stay safe against fire?

Test your smoke alarms

  • Test your smoke alarms every week by pressing the button and listening for the alarm sound
  • If the alarm doesn’t sound, please let us know
  • If you’re a leaseholder, please make sure that smoke alarms are fitted on every floor of your home

Keep your electrics safe

  • We test the electrics in our rented homes every five years – please let us in when we visit.
  • If you’re a leaseholder, please arrange for your electrics to be tested by a qualified electrician every five years. We may ask to see your electrical test certificates.
  • Don’t overload plug sockets
  • Register new electrical appliances
  • And check that existing appliances have not been recalled.

Stay gas safe

  • We service gas boilers in our rented homes every year – please let us in when we visit.
  • If you’re a leaseholder, please arrange for your gas boiler to be serviced by a competent engineer every year. We may ask to see your gas servicing records.

Take care with open flames

  • Make sure cigarettes are put out and thrown away carefully
  • Never smoke in bed
  • Keep matches away from children
  • Never leave lit candles unattended
  • Most fires start in the kitchen, so never leave your cooking unattended and take extra care with hot oil
  • Don’t have barbeques on balconies
  • Don’t smoke in communal areas or drop cigarette butts

Reduce the risk of fire spreading

  • Don’t store flammable liquids such as petrol at home
  • Don’t leave or dump rubbish or furniture in communal areas
  • Don’t throw away flammable liquids in communal bin areas

Prepare and protect your family

  • Make sure everyone knows what to do if there’s a fire in your home
  • Make sure everyone in your home knows where you keep the keys to your doors, gates or windows that can help you escape. The Fire Brigade advises leaving gates open when people are in your home
  • Please let us know if you think you or other members of your household would struggle in an evacuation
  • Don’t block escape routes such as your own hallway or communal corridors

You can find more advice on preventing fires from the London Fire Brigade.