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Carradale House transformed with new landscaping works


Carradale House and the surrounding area has been transformed with new environmental works.

The impressive improvements include hard & soft landscaping, green spaces, seating areas, and a new children’s play area.

The Carradale House environmental works is a standalone scheme for the renovation of the landscape around Carradale House and 52-74 St Leonard’s Road. This commitment was made by Poplar HARCA to the residents of the Brownfield Estate in the Housing Choice offer document agreed as part of the East India stock transfer. The environmental works form part of a wider landscape masterplan which was approved by Tower Hamlets planning and Historic England in December 2015.

Additional works, including a new car park formed from existing garages and a more open and user-friendly entrance to Carradale House, will be completed alongside the completion of the Balfron Tower development.

Brownfield estate regeneration