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Teviot community gets creative with commemorative mural


Residents from the Teviot estate have unveiled a unique and vibrant mural they’ve created to celebrate and commemorate their home before and during regeneration.

With the support of local artist Rose Hill, the Teviot community came together to paint a patterned and personalised mural which represents their area. Residents of mixed ages and backgrounds attended a series of workshops, where they united to design and create a special new piece of art to be proud of.

Teviot resident Falone Bulsa, who helped to create the mural, said:

“I feel like I was part of something truly positive for our community. Not only has the art outwardly brightened our estate, it has created an opportunity for all generations to get together and chat every week. I have made some friends for life through this process.”

Keeping Teviot at its heart, the community designed the mural to celebrate the past, present and future of the estate. They took inspiration from a range of sources, including the recent Platinum Jubilee, the Scottish heritage of Teviot’s original owner, and African and Islamic artwork. Letting their creativity flow, residents also added references to the sun to symbolise their bright future, as well as rainbows and flags to reflect their diversity and inclusivity.

At the annual ‘Our Teviot’ festival in September more than 40 residents grabbed the last opportunity to get involved in painting the mural, which has now been unveiled on their estate.

Ana-Mae Contreras Ramirez, from our Community team, said:

“It’s fantastic to see this bold, striking mural come to life in Teviot, taking its place alongside Poplar’s tradition as a place for street art. It’s been great to see the community engaged in telling stories about their lives and the place through this artwork.

Residents are at the heart of all our work and we’re looking forward to further opportunities for the community to drive the Teviot regeneration as it moves forward.”

Our regeneration of Teviot, in partnership with The Hill Group, will provide 1,750 new homes, as well as improved green and play spaces, new shops, community and faith facilities. A planning application is expected to be finalised in 2023.