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Poplar Works Fashion Volunteer

Helga plays a key role supporting the Accents team to deliver the Poplar Works programme. This includes exploring and researching new opportunities for Poplar Works such as funding, events, enterprise initiatives, promotional opportunities and partnerships.

“For me, volunteering has been a way to connect with others and my community. I’ve been volunteering in different roles for the last 5 years and I believe that I have learned so much about myself and others. I also enjoyed the new experiences and learned new skills that otherwise I wouldn’t have if I wasn’t volunteering. It has improved my confidence and makes me feel more positive knowing that I am giving something back to the community.

I believe that having volunteers in organisations has a very positive impact as volunteers come from different backgrounds with different experiences and we all, meaning the staff and the volunteers, can learn from each other. It promotes diversity and inclusivity.

Volunteering creates new pathways of thinking.”

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