With EcoWorld London, Poplar HARCA have released initial plans for new development on the Aberfeldy estate, also known as the Aberfeldy New Masterplan.
Due to government’s current Covid-19 guidelines, the first phase of the consultation, which launched on 16 November 2020, will be held online. This includes a consultation hub powered by Commonplace and two ‘meet the team’ events.
A second round of consultation will be held in the new year, with the intention to submit a planning application in Spring 2021.
The consultations follow many years of discussions with local residents about options for their estate to stay the same, be refurbished or be regenerated. A ballot of tenants, leaseholders and freeholders was held in September to October this year. 93.1 % voted in favour of proceeding with regeneration on a 91.1 % turnout, a near-record positive result for an estate regeneration ballot.
The proposed masterplan, which has been designed by architects Levitt Bernstein, will deliver a significant increase in housing, with up to 1,880 new homes including social rent, shared ownership and private sale homes. Poplar HARCA tenants and resident leaseholders will be offered a new home on the estate.
The neighbourhood regeneration will also see investment into public and business spaces including new retail, workspace, and faith facilities, and improved public realm focused on making it safer and easier to walk and cycle.
The regeneration of Aberfeldy has been in progress since 2012, with phases 1, 2 and 3a of the original Aberfeldy Village masterplan all completed, while phase 3b is currently on site. The new masterplan will see the further phases completed covering a wider area, including the Nairn Street Estate.
Steve Stride, CEO at Poplar HARCA, said:
“This is a unique opportunity to transform the Aberfeldy neighbourhood for the benefit of the community. Local people have always been at the forefront of this masterplan and this is just the latest step in our close consultation with local residents, faith leaders, workers and business owners to ensure this a project that works for everyone. We’re committed to delivering new and improved homes, including social rent and Shared Ownership properties, encouraging real growth in the area. We’ll create new jobs, while making the neighbourhood safer, more sustainable and more secure and we are greatly looking forward to hearing the views of the community on our initial design.”
Emma Cotton, Development Director at EcoWorld London, said:
Commonplace Aberfeldy residents vote yes to regenerationAberfeldy New MasterplanAberfeldy Village“The Poplar community has been at the heart of the masterplan from the beginning, and we are really excited to share our plans and hear their thoughts on the future of this incredible neighbourhood. We want to speak to as many members of the community as possible to ensure that the masterplan is reflective of everyone who lives, works or visits Poplar. From new workspace to safer, healthier streets, this is an amazing opportunity to deliver a community-led regeneration project that transforms Aberfeldy.”