Most of our play areas are now open again, however it is not possible to guarantee that equipment is clear from COVID-19. Please follow this safety guidance so that we can keep these spaces open.
- Remember – the equipment is shared.
- Stay at home if you or a member of your household has coronavirus symptoms.
- You are advised not to use equipment if you are clinically or extremely clinically vulnerable.
- Keep hand sanitiser with you. Apply it before and after using the equipment.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Don’t let children put their mouths on the equipment. You can meet in groups of up to six but maintain social distancing.
- Wait at a safe distance if the equipment is in use or return later.
- Keep a safe distance at all times unless with members of your household.
- Do not consume food or drink in the play or gym area.
- Put your rubbish in the bin or take it home with you.
- Remember to wash your hands as soon as you get home.