Our partners

We work closely with local employers, both large and small, to help them recruit local people through work experience, apprenticeships and job opportunities. We also work together to develop bespoke recruitment and training programmes.

  • Workpath: We partner with the service in their delivery of bespoke programmes. They are also a good source for referrals for clients who can be supported into some of the training and employment opportunities available through them.
  • Barts Health NHS Trust: Barts is largest NHS Trust in the UK, employing approximately 15,000 people across five local hospitals: Mile End Hospital, The Royal London Hospital, Newham University Hospital, St Bartholomew’s Hospital and Whipps Cross University Hospital.
  • Job Centre: We work closely with the Job Centre, who refer clients for employment support and training. A Job Centre Officer assists our team one day a week.
  • Life Chances Campaign We’re a partner for the East End Community Foundation’s Life Chances campaign, which supports young people’s wellbeing and employment. Through the campaign, we’re aiming to provide targeted support to local young people to help them increase their confidence and develop key skills to improve their employment opportunities.