Learning how to take control of your finances can help you achieve financial well-being. From budgeting to emergency support these resources are here to help you reach your financial goals.
Welfare Benefit Advice services
Limehouse Project
020 7538 0075Whether you need a little help understanding how the latest government policy changes are going to impact you and your family, or you are trying to decide what steps you need to take to secure your future ambitions.
One-to-one advice and guidance in English, Bengali and Somali.
Book an appointment between 2-5pm, Monday to Friday.
Bromley by Bow Centre
Offers a wide variety of integrated services based on an individuals need.
Money advice and management
Benefit, housing and debt (only for Tower Hamlets residents)
020 8709 9757Employment and Training
020 8709 9748How to access: Self-referral
Clean slate
0203 540 4721Helps individuals improve their financial wellbeing, find employment and get online.
How to access: Online self-referral or Poplar HARCA Community Development and Wellbeing team
Emergency Support
Bow Food Bank
info@bowfoodbank.orgOpen Mondays 8.30am-12.30pm
Drop-in service.It is recommended to bring a shopping trolley or backpack to help you carry your food parcel home. There is a limit of 12 visits per person.
First Love Foundation
020 3069 9877Helping families out of crisis struggling with food and finance. Offers emergency food and financial health support.
How to access: Referral – Poplar HARCA or visit the nearest centre
Neighbours in Poplar
020 7987 0257Offering support services to vulnerable individuals especially those over 50 and children in the summer.
How to access: Self-referral
The Food Store
Fee based pantry service. Individuals pay a small weekly membership fee of £3.50 giving them access to a significant value of surplus food.
Ongoing membership is conditional on engagement with support services such as debt, welfare and benefits advice agencies.
How to access: Referral
Referring Agencies:
– London Borough Tower Hamlets / Local advice agencies
– Tower Hamlets Community Advice Network
– Job Centre Plus
– Refuges
– Health centres
– Faith institutions
– Registered Social Landlords -
NHS Test and Trace support payment
020 7520 7217Financial assistance of up to £500 to support people on low incomes in high risk areas, who are unable to work from home and would lose money by self-isolating.
Resident Support Scheme
Tower Hamlets website
020 7520 7217The Tower Hamlets Residents’ Support Scheme is designed to help residents who are either in or at risk of being in crisis or are in need of immediate help and have no source of financial support available to them.
Legal advice and support services
Pop Law Lawyers
07920 288269Provides free initial legal advice covering many areas of law.
Service focus includes:
– Debt
– Housing
– Employment
– Consumer
– Welfare benefits.How to access: Self-referral
Tower Hamlets Law Centre
020 7538 4909Provides free specialist legal advice and representation in courts and tribunals.
– Welfare benefits law
– Housing law
– Immigration law
– Employment adviceHow to access: Self-referral
University House Legal Advice Centres & A2J Lab
020 3606 0372Provides free specialist legal advice on needs base.
– Housing based on Legal Aid eligibility
– Welfare benefit appeals
– Specialist employment advice
– Family clinic focusing on domestic violence
– First stage employment lawHow to access: Self-referral
Useful Links
Understanding Universal Credit
Age UK
Offers free and confidential information and advice services for older people, their families and carers.
020 8981 7124
info@ageukeastlondon.org.uk -
Provides social and community services for people with learning & multiple disabilities, their carers and family relatives.
020 7001 2266
syeda.ara@apasen.org.uk -
Carers Centre Tower Hamlets
Offers information, advice and advocacy for unpaid carers as well as other support services.
020 7709 1765
enquiries@ccth.org.uk -
Offers one to one, confidential information and advice services to the deaf and visually impaired.
077 4570 8878 (Text only)
Aiysha.begum@deafplus.org -
Fair Finance
Offers a range of financial support service and products designed to meet the needs of people who are financially excluded.
020 3475 8811
info@fairmoneyadvice.co.uk -
Financial Health Centre
Offers a range of free, confidential and independent advice on debt, welfare benefits, housing, money management and much more.
020 7364 2200
fhc@thh.org.uk -
Island Advice Centre
Offers Free, confidential, independent advice on welfare rights, housing, debt and immigration – from basic advice and assistance to court.
020 7987 9379
admin@island-advice.org.uk -
Ocean Somali Community Centre
Provides support services for the Somali community including welfare advice, home school liaison and employment and training.
Positive East
Offers support service and welfare advice to individuals with HIV
020 7791 2855
talktome@positiveeast.org.uk -
Tower Hamlets Resident Support Outreach Service
Help residents in Tower Hamlets make a single or joint Universal Credit applications.
020 7364 7010